The Plumbing is a series of wrapped and sewn together objects fastened to pipes that protrude from the wall. This installation is a metaphor for how people are connected through the things we throw away and flush down the drain. Pieces will be added and subtracted to this installation over time and the format of the installation will change.
The Plumbing (pictured: Lungs and Under Your Skin)
The Plumbing (pictured: Fashion Nugget, 1 and She Is, 1)
Fashion Nugget 1
Fashion Nugget, 1 (detail)
The Plumbing, alternate installation view
L to R
Fashion Nugget 1, 2023
Steel pipe, flange, repurposed toys, fabric, ribbons, yarn, jewelry, and beads, wire, acrylic paint, pen, thread, pins.
10 × 12 × 10 inches (variable)
She Is, 1, 2023
Steel pipe, flange, repurposed toys, cords, fabric, ribbons, yarn, jewelry, and beads, wire, acrylic paint, pen, thread, pins, sticks, clay, paper mache.
15 × 11 × 13 inches (variable)
Lungs, 2023
Steel pipe, flange, repurposed toys, cords, fabric, ribbons, yarn, jewelry, and beads, wire, acrylic paint, pen, thread, pins, sticks, clay, paper mache.
36 × 21 × 20 1/2 inches (variable)
Under Your Skin, 2023
Steel pipe, flange, repurposed toys, shoe, plumbing, balls, and cords, wire, fabric, ribbons, yarn, acrylic paint, pen, thread, pins, sticks, clay, paper mache.
15 × 12 1/2 × 11 inches (variable)