Objects / Small Sculptures / Installations. “Cake Paintings” are a series of bulging bas-relief sculptures with embedded found objects, drawn imagery and patterns that are installed together on a wall. “Pipe Pieces” are installed on pipes on the wall. Both series create larger installations out of small pieces. In these sculptures and in all of my objects I use as many reclaimed repurposed materials as possible, they often inform the shape and size of the sculptures. All of my work is about our connection to each other and the planet. Scroll down to see examples.
“The Innocents,” 2023, 14in. x 19in. x 8in., Reclaimed objects and fabric, paper mache, thread, beads, clay, resin, fabric paint, wood.
“Bluebird-Cherib Cake,” 2021, 7in. x 9in. x 7in., Reclaimed objects, fabric, thread, gouache, acrylic, pencil, pen, wood, epoxy clay, aqua resin.
“Lungs,” 2023, 36 × 21 × 20 in. + “She Is, #1,” 2023, 15in × 11in × 13 in. , Reclaimed objects and fabric, epoxy clay, wire, thread, acrylic paint on pipes
“Paradise,” 2023, 12in. x 18in. X 10in., Reclaimed objects, fabric, and beads, paper mache, thread, paper clay, aqua resin, gouache, pencil.
"The Wanting More Wanderer" 2023, 17in. x 18in. X 9in., Reclaimed objects, fabric, and beads, paper mache, thread, paper clay, aqua resin, gouache, pencil.
“Princess Mickey,” 2006, 18in. x 16in. x 18 in. Reclaimed objects, twigs, aqua resin, epoxy clay, fabric, beads, pencil, gouache
“Hippo Cake”, 2019, 7in. x 12in. x 7in., Reclaimed objects and fabric, thread, gouache, acrylic, pencil, pen, wood, wire, epoxy clay, aqua resin.
"Insect #25," 2015, 12in. x 12in. X 12in., Reclaimed objects, fabric, and beads, thread, epoxy clay, aqua resin, gouache, pencil.

“Barbie Dream House,” 2023, 8in. x 19in. x 7in., Reclaimed wood + objects, paper mache, fabric, thread, beads, clay, resin, wood, paint.

“Murakami Snail Cake,” 2019, 7in. x 12in. x 7in., Wire, epoxy clay, Aqua Resin, found objects, fabric, thread, gouache, acrylic, pencil, pen, wood.

"All-In-One," 2023 19 in. x 7 in. x 10 in. Found objects, paper mache, fabric, thread, beads, clay, resin, gouache, wood, fabric paint .
“Inside-Out Cake” 2019, 7in. x 12in. x 7in. Wire, epoxy clay, Aqua Resin, reclaimed objects, fabric, thread, gouache, acrylic, pencil, pen, wood.
“TOUGH GUY,” 2022, 37in. x 14in. x 11 in. , Reclaimed objects, gouache, beads, plaster, clay, resin, paint, metal leaf, fabric, thread.
"TOUGH GUY" detail
You Are Enough, 2022, 39 x 24 x 14 in., Found objects, beads, plaster, clay, papier-mâché, paint, fabric, thread,
You Are Enough, detail
“Surviving,” (side 1) 2022, 55in. x 26in. x 15 in., Reclaimed objects, paper clay, paper mache, epoxy clay, wire, beads, acrylic, paint, thread.
“Surviving,” (side 2), 2022, 55in. x 26in. x 15 in., Reclaimed objects, paper clay, paper mache, epoxy clay, wire, beads, acrylic, paint, thread.
"Post Post Everything," 2021, Reclaimed objects, ceramic, tin, beads, plaster wrap, cardboard, epoxy clay, Aqua resin, gouache, oil paint, puffy craft paint, fabric, thread, yarn, ribbon, wire, pen, wood.
“Post Post Everything,” detail
"The New Nature," 2021,40 x 15 x 11 in., Ceramic, found objects, fabric, thread, Aqua Resin, gouache, puffy craft paint, acrylic paint, foam, epoxy clay, beads, wire.
"The New Nature," detail

"Planet", 2015, 6in. x 13in. x 7in., Wire, epoxy clay, Aqua Resin, found objects, fabric, thread, gouache, acrylic, pencil, pen, wood.

"Baby Cake", 2023, 10 in. x 9 in. 7in., reclaimed wood and objects, paper clay, epoxy clay, aqua resin, gouache, pen, pencil
"While We Were Sleeping," 2001, 12in. x 12in. x 12in. (including base), plaster, resin, oil paint, flocking.

"Extreme Soldier (worker)," 2004, plaster, fabric, beads, thread, oil paint, pencil, pins.